Post Op Instructions

 Post-Op Instructions



It is normal to expect some pain, oozing, bruising and swelling following surgical procedures. In order to minimise these complications it is advisable to follow these instructions.



 Avoid strenuous activity for 12 hours after your surgery. Some nausea is normal after surgery and usually settles with antacid drinks such as ENO or DEXAL. Occasionally vomiting, generalized muscle pain or a sore throat may occur after a general anaesthetic. These are best managed by bed rest and drinking plenty of clear fluids.



Your lip, cheek, or tongue may be transiently numb due to the effect of local anaesthetic. Avoid biting on the numb side until the effect wears off, usually 2-3 hours after the surgery for local anaesthetic, and 12 hrs following general anaesthetic.



Some blood will ooze from the area of surgery and is NORMAL. You may find a bloodstain on your pillow in the morning. Avoid sucking through a straw or smoking as it promotes bleeding. Do not spit, rinse or brush the surgical site on the day of the surgery.

If bleeding begins again, roll a piece of gauze from the pack provided to you, and place it directly over the tooth socket. Bite firmly for   30 minutes. Keep your head elevated with several pillows or sit upright for the first 12 hours. Avoid strenuous activity for the first day, and if you feel dizzy lay flat and take plenty of fluids.


Pain and Discomfort

It is normal to feel some discomfort or pain after the surgery. This can be controlled, but not eliminated, by taking the medication recommended by your surgeon. Tablets should be taken as directed on the packaging and it is advisable to commence prescribed painkillers before the effect of the anaesthetic wears off. Please be aware that some medications may affect your ability to drive. It is not advisable to drink alcohol while on medication.



It is normal to experience some swelling and mild bruising after the surgery. This reaches its maximum about 48 hours after surgery and lasts for 3 to 5 days. Icepacks may be applied on the side of surgery externally for 20 minute intervals for the first 12 hours to make the area more comfortable. Bruising, if it occurs, will disappear over a period of 7-10 days.



Unless advised otherwise, stitches will dissolve on their own after 7 - 14 days. We may see you for a post operative check up 7-14 days after the surgery depending on the type of procedure and need for further treatment or follow-up.



Some stiffness is normal and you may experience a limitation in mouth opening for the first  few days. It should improve 3-5 days after surgery. You may gently massage your jaw muscles to relax them. Avoid caffeine if your muscles are sore.



We advise a soft or liquid diet, like jelly, soup, eggs, pureed or mashed foods, pasta, custard or porridge, on the day of surgery. Avoid eating or drinking anything hot or hard for first 24 hours after the surgery. Avoid rice, grains, seeded vegetables, peas, and corn, for 10 days as they can become lodged in the sockets. Gradually return to your normal diet as you feel comfortable to do so.


Oral Hygiene after surgery

 Good oral hygiene is essential for uncomplicated healing. Start brushing the morning after your surgery using a soft toothbrush. You can soften the bristles more by running the toothbrush under hot water. Please use the prescribed mouthwash or warm saltwater to rinse every 4 hours, especially after meals.

If you are a smoker please note that smoking may delay healing and increase the risk of infection. Please try not to smoke for a week after surgery.


Please contact us if:

There is profuse or persistent bleeding from the surgical site or socket that is not controlled by pressure from the gauze.

There is fever greater than 38 deg C, or other signs of infection such as increasing loss of appetite and general malaise 3-4 days after surgery. Infection is an uncommon complication but can occur in any surgical wound. It is manifested by an increase in discomfort and swelling, or the presence of discharge from the wound after the 3rd or 4th day, and may need further treatment.

There is persistent numbness of lip, chin or tongue 3-5 days after the surgery.

There is persistent swelling that fails to reduce in size 5-7 days after the surgery.



Contact Reception on (03) 9088 2228 during clinic hours.

For all after hours emergencies contact your treating surgeon :  

Mr C Warren Crossley 0411 418 726  or Dr Krati Garg 0420 794 745